Yunay Chai Economy Pack Successfully Launched

We are pleased to announce the successful launch of H R Product’s much awaited Yunay Chai in the state of Assam and Manipur. H R Product’s Yunay Chai everyday affordable pack is now available in several districts of Assam and Manipur. Yunay Chai’s limited launch has been extremely successful and greatly appreciated by our customers. We have attempted to bring the best quality tea, at an extremely affordable price and are also providing the best value for your money compared to competitive brands. We are currently providing the Economy pack of INR 10/- containing a whopping 32 gm of Assam Tea premium blend. We are also gearing up to launch 100 gm and 250 gm variant in the near future. You can order Yunay Chain online at our store for great discounts and at the same time stay safe from COVID-19.