Food Guide

Which country believes in "Doodh ki Shakti" the most?


With a consumption of nearly 285 kgs of milk each year by every individual, Estonia ranks among top 10 most milk consuming nations.



Milk is a common beverage in Kazaksthan, and dairy products are widely consumed, contributing to the country's high milk consumption.

Consumption - 288 kg per year per person


Dairy products, including milk, are important in Irish cuisine, contributing to Ireland's high per capita milk consumption.

Consumption - 292kg per year per person


Lithuanians consume milk and dairy products regularly, with milk being a common component of their diet.

Consumption - 295kg per year per person


India has the highest Milk consumption globally. But when it comes to per capita consumption of milk India ranks 99 with a consumption of 85Kgs per year.

Milk and dairy products are essential components of the Albanian diet, making Albania one of the top consumers of milk.


Consumption - 304kg per year per person

Swiss cuisine often includes dairy products, and milk is a common ingredient in various dishes and beverages.


Consumption - 319kg per year per person

Sweden has a strong tradition of consuming dairy products, including milk. Milk is a common beverage and ingredient in Swedish dishes.


Consumption - 341kg per year per person

The Netherlands is known for its high-quality dairy products, and milk consumption is significant, with dairy featuring prominently in Dutch cuisine.


Consumption - 342kg per year per person

Montenegro cuisine incorporates yogurt and other dairy products, contributing to relatively high per capita milk consumption.


Consumption - 349kg per year per person

Finland ranks No. 1 in milk consumption due to its dairy-rich diet. Milk and dairy products are staples in Finnish cuisine.


Consumption - 430kg per year per person

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