Taro root is starchy and has a texture similar to potatoes, but its overall nutritional value may be only slightly higher than potatoes.
Raw bananas are starchy and have a texture similar to potatoes. While they provide some nutrients, their overall nutritional value may be somewhat lower.
Butternut squash is creamy when cooked and can be a potato substitute, though it may not be as nutritionally dense
Cauliflower can mimic the texture of potatoes in some dishes, but its nutritional value may not be as high in certain aspects compared to other alternatives.
Bottle gourd can be used in place of potatoes for a similar texture but may have a relatively lower nutritional value.
Green papaya, when raw, has a starchy texture similar to potatoes but may not be as nutritionally dense as other choices.
Sweet potatoes are starchy and provide a fair amount of nutrients, making them a healthier choice than regular potatoes.
Yams have a starchy texture similar to sweet potatoes and provide a good amount of nutrients, including fiber and vitamins.
Turnips can be used as a potato alternative and offer a good amount of nutrients, including vitamin C and fiber.
Young green jackfruit, when cooked, can mimic the texture of potatoes and is relatively more nutritious, providing fiber and some vitamins.